5 Things I Learned in Launching Courses for Muslim Educators in 2023

Every year brings new opportunities and challenges, alhamdulillah. As I reflect on the lessons I've learned in 2023, it's clear that some principles remain timeless and essential for success. In this blog post, I'll delve into five key lessons that stood out this year.


 1. Focus on What Works 

In the fast-paced world of marketing, it's easy to get caught up in the allure of the latest trends and cutting-edge tools. However, one of the most valuable lessons I learned in 2023 is the importance of focusing on what truly works.

Let's consider the story of "Client A", one of my old clients in the money-making niche. Allahumma baarik, this client achieved remarkable success, generating $1 million in 1 year, by dedicating his efforts to a single, proven strategy.

He set clear revenue targets and concentrated his resources on one specific sales funnel that consistently delivered results. Instead of spreading himself too thin, he optimised this funnel for maximum impact. 

But what truly set him apart was his commitment to providing value, whether or not a purchase was made. This approach led to reaching tens of thousands of people through his live webinars and written content, significantly expanding his influence. The lesson here is clear: Focus on what works.


2. Have the Courage to Go Big

Self-doubt can be a significant barrier to progress in business. In 2023, I was blessed to work with "Client B," who demonstrated remarkable courage by embracing the "go big" mindset. This client approached me with a sense of urgency and a burning desire to launch his project. Despite the initial imperfections, we launched a somewhat scrappy first version of his website.

Why did it succeed? Because he believed wholeheartedly in his message and its power to transform lives. He didn't let the fear of imperfection hold him back. The outcome was astounding – within just ten months, his scrappy website generated $100,000 in revenue. This story serves as a testament to the profound impact of believing in your mission and having the courage to start, even when it means taking imperfect initial steps.

Please note: The site design was not so important for the client because he already had a strong track record of results and high-paying clients. The strategy he used to generate these specific sales was to follow-up with old prospects and clients with new offers. There’s more on his strategy coming soon.


3. Give a Personal Touch

As businesses grow, it's easy to view your audience and customers as mere numbers. However, the lesson from 2023 is that they are real individuals who appreciate a personal touch. My "Client C" achieved five times the revenue Client B did within the same time frame by delivering a physical experience to their audience.

Client C created an environment where people could grow exponentially and network with others who shared their goals. By offering a hands-on experience, they not only enhanced customer satisfaction but also expanded their reach to ten times more people than Client B. 

Another valuable lesson came from my "Client D," who achieved significant growth by personally reaching out to every webinar attendee and engaging in one-on-one conversations. This personal touch led to more service and sales than ever before.


4. Start Small, Start Now

We often seek quick results and immediate gratification. We yearn for the perfect moment to make a start on our ventures, believing that timing is everything. However, this year, I saw a striking illustration of the difference between starting small and starting early versus waiting for the perfect moment. 

My “Client E” began growing his audience of 5,000 people only a few years ago and rarely offered value. In contrast, “Client F” had been steadily growing his audience of 50,000 for several decades, consistently providing small but valuable content.

Interestingly, I wrote a similar email strategy for both clients. The effort and time invested were the same, but what became evident was the difference in outcomes. Despite similar efforts, Client F's impact was significantly greater.

He had nurtured a loyal following over time, developing a deeper connection and a more engaged community. This underscores the importance of starting small, starting now and consistently offering value to build a dedicated following.


5. Give Genuinely and Generously

The final lesson I'd like to share is a personal one. When I started this journey, I had many doubts, especially since I'm an introverted niqabi. However, my strong passion for spreading Allah's message drove me forward. I decided to give it my all and leave the rest to Allah.

I began by studying marketing courses and applying what I learned to the existing projects around me. In the beginning, I offered my services without charging, simply to learn how to do the best work possible. Soon after, one client referred me to another and this chain of referrals continued. These clients not only came back for more but also shared their positive experiences with others, alhamdulillah.

With the additional income, I reinvested in more coaching and courses to further improve my skills. Throughout this journey, I remained true to myself and I made sure to give generously, often going above and beyond what was expected. I trusted Allah to take care of the rest.

Allah's blessings were abundant. 

Today, I find myself with more clients than I can handle and I'm incredibly grateful for this (Alhamdulillah). My story demonstrates the power of being sincere and giving without expecting anything in return. When you do this, Allah can open doors and bless you with unexpected opportunities and success. 


In Conclusion

As I reflect on the experiences shared here and my own personal journey, I am filled with a profound sense of trust in Allah's wisdom and gratitude for the opportunities He bestows upon us. It is this trust and gratitude that continues to guide my efforts to serve the Muslim educator community.

I'm excited to delve even deeper into the stories mentioned here and share more of my personal experiences in the future. If you'd like to stay updated on these insights, stories and the lessons I continue to learn, I invite you to subscribe to my newsletter. 

Together, we can learn and grow in the pursuit of spreading knowledge and serving our community.

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